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Alan Coxon shortlisted finalist for Britain’s development chef of the year Award!

TV Celebrity Chef, Food Archaeologist, Author and food and Travel writer Alan
Coxon’s has just been nominated and shortlisted by the Craft Guild of Chefs for the “ Development Chef of the Year award 2009”.
Now in their 16th year, the Craft Guild of Chefs Awards have become the chef’s ‘Oscars’, and the coveted accolades that recognise and reward the leading talent working in kitchens and the food industry across the UK.

More than 600 guests are expected to attend the grand event in London who will witness a group of extraordinary chefs - nominated by their peers and judged by the Craft Guild of Chefs for their outstanding work across 14 different categories.
The awards will be presented by Sophie Countess of Wessex.

Alan has spent 10 years working on the development of his Historic Food range that includes the Unique 15th century mediaeval Old English “Ale-Gar” Roman and Ancient Greek Vinaigres and has now extended the historic collection to over 10 new products .

Alan, who’s Historic Food range won at the Midlands Business Innovation Awards of the year , also won the Caterer and Hotelkeeper Innovation Award , and the coveted Gold winner of winners award , and within 48 hours of launching his pickles and chutney range his Golden Roman beetroot was shortlisted for Heart of England Fine Food Diamond Award.
This is in addition to his two wins at the International “Best Potato Recipe of the world” title ( held in Peru ) Alan came first in the Chefs Category and an hennery award for the writers category.

In June 2008 Alan Launched his Unique range of Heirloom Vinegars and Mediaeval 15th century Old English Ale-Gar at the New York Fancy food fair and obtained an Importer and distributer in the form of European Imports ,who deal directly with wholesalers and retailers across the entire United States of America , in addition to this Alan`s food range is now available in the UK , South Africa, Scandinavia, New Zealand, Spain, and France, .

For more information about Alan and his fantastic products and recipes, visit www.alancoxon.com.

Alan Coxon is one of the most respected chefs within the industry and was voted amongst the top 10 TV Chefs of the World in a poll commissioned by BBC Food in 100 countries.
Winner of the best potato recipe of the world 2008.

Potato and Reblouchon Bake

Servings: 2-3
Level of difficulty: Easy
reparation Time: 15 minutes
Cooking Time: 25 minutes

  • 50g Butter
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 200g finely sliced smoked ham, cut into strips
  • 1000g Desiree or King Edward potatoes, boiled but still holding their shape salt and fresh ground black pepper
  • 1/2 Reblochon cheese , (halved across the cheese so that the half is circular)
  • 2 large garlic cloves, roughly chopped
  • 8 fresh rosemary sprigs
  • 3 tbsp fruity white wine
  • 1 tsp ground mustard powder
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika
  • Dressed mixed green salad leaves (rocket, watercress, lamb's lettuce, baby spinach), to serve


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas 4.

2. Melt the butter in a heavy based, circular, ovenproof frying pan.

3. Add the onion and fry gently for 2-3 minutes.

4. Add the ham and fry, stirring, for 2 minutes.

5. Carefully slice the potatoes into rounds and add them to the pan. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and stir gently, taking care not to break the potato slices.

6. Level off the potato mixture and place the Reblochon on top.

7. Stud the cheese with the garlic and rosemary, then drizzle over the white wine.

8. Dust the dish with the mustard powder and paprika then bake in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes. Serve hot from the oven.

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Green Onion & Sharp Cheese Quinotto , Marlena Spieler
Serves 2 as a main course, 4 as a side dish or starter.
I like to serve this with an Amazon jungle-inspired salad: watercress, mizuna, hearts of palm, grape or cherry tomatoes, and strips of a jerky-like dried meat or diced crisp bacon.
  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 3 cups hot diluted broth (a combination of boiling water and low-sodium broth such as vegetable or chicken)
  • 3 green onions, thinly sliced
  • About 3 ounces shredded sharp Cheddar cheese + extra to gratinee
  • About 1 ounce shredded Parmesan or similar cheese
  • 2 heaping tablespoons cottage cheese, ricotta or low-fat/fat-free sour cream
  • Kosher salt, black and red pepper, to taste
  • A grating of fresh nutmeg

Instructions: In a heavy nonstick frying pan over medium-low heat, lightly toast the quinoa until it turns slightly golden, about 5 minutes. Pour in 1 cup of broth, stirring as you go. When it has absorbed, add more liquid, a little at a time, in the same style as risotto, with less stirring. Add more liquid when the grains look as if they have absorbed all the liquid in the pan. Cook this way for about 10 minutes.

When the grains are just tender, another 5 minutes or so, add a little more liquid, and stir in the green onions. Cover and remove from the heat. Allow the quinotto to rest for 5-10 minutes, then add the cheddar, Parmesan, cottage cheese, salt, black and red pepper, and nutmeg.

Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes to melt the cheese, then fluff up the grains with a fork to gently combine. If the cheese hasn't melted, return the quinotto to a medium-low heat until it has. At this point you can serve it as is, or spread into a gratin dish or other flat pan, sprinkle with extra shredded cheese, and broil until gratineed.

Per main course serving: 543 calories, 35 g protein, 65 g carbohydrate, 17 g fat saturated), 33 mg cholesterol, 630 mg sodium, 6 g fiber.

Wine pairing: Cheese - slightly gooey and definitely palate-coating in this dish- calls for a wine with some acidity to cut throughit. Add bubbles and the pairing will be even better. Spanish Cava or a brut sparkling wine might get you through a bowlful.

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SEPIA CON PATATAS. Remei Ribas (España)

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  • Patatas
  • 1 Sepia
  • 1 Cebolla
  • 1 Cabeza de ajos
  • Perejil
  • Tomate
  • Caldo de pescado
  • Aceite
  • Sal
  • Guisantes (opcional)
  • Almendras tostadas
  • Allioli (opcional)

Limpiar y cortar la sepia.
En una cazuela de barro pondremos aceite e inmediatamente la sepia, añadimos la cebolla picada muy fina y en unos minutos agregamos un par de ajos cortados y tomate triturado, removiendo de vez en cuando.

Si agregamos guisantes es conveniente hervirlos aparte y dejarlos enfriar en la misma agua de cocción, para que queden enteros.

Cuando la sepia esté blanda añadir las patatas cortadas, las cubrimos con caldo de pescado o el agua de los guisantes, dejando que hiervan con la cazuela tapada.

Cuando falte poco para que las patatas estén cocidas añadiremos los guisantes.
Picar ajos, perejil y almendras tostadas en el mortero, y al final de la cocción poner en la cazuela.
Se puede añadir un allioli por encima o bien en una salsera a parte.
Este plato es típico de la Ciudad de Mataró provincia de Barcelona (España) Catalunya.

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  • 350 Gramos de Harina 000
  • 150 Gramos de Manteca
  • 1 Cucharada de Canela
  • 100 Gramos de Azúcar
  • 3 Yemas
  • 1/2 Vaso Vino Dulce
  • 1 Cucharadita de Sal Fina
  • 1/2 Pollo Hervido en Caldo de Vegetales, deshuesado y picado (reservar una taza del caldo filtrado)
  • 3 Cebollas
  • 50 Gramos de Manteca
  • 5 Orejones (Duraznos pasas, deben estar remojados durante 6 horas, hervidos hasta que estén tiernos y escurridos)
  • 30 Gramos de Pasas de Uva
  • 30 Gramos de Aceitunas Verdes
  • 3 Huevos Duros
  • 1/2 Cucharada de Pimentón Dulce
  • Sal, pimienta
  • 3 Claras
  • 4 Cucharadas de Azúcar


1- Colocar en un bol la harina, la manteca a temperatura ambiente, la canela, el azúcar, el vino, las yemas y la sal.
2- Mezclar los ingredientes hasta formar un bollo tierno que no se pegue en las manos. Dejar reposar unos minutos.
1- Una vez hervido el pollo en el caldo de vegetales, se lo deja enfriar en el mismo caldo, luego descartar los huesos, picar o cortar en tiras groseramente y reservar.
2- Cortar las cebollas en brunoise y saltearlas en manteca.
3- Agregar el pollo reservado, saltear y condimentar con sal, pimienta y pimentón dulce.

4- Incorporar los orejones picados al relleno junto con las pasas y las aceitunas fileteadas.
5- Rociar la preparación con un cucharón del caldo de pollo y cocinar 5 más.

6- Cortar la masa en dos porciones. Estirar una de ellas y forrar un molde desmontable para horno, previamente enmantecado. Colocar el relleno y sobre éste los huevos duros cortados en cascos.

7- Estirar la masa restante y cubrir el relleno, cerrar realizando un repulgue. Cocinar en horno moderado 25, hasta que la masa esté dorada.
1- Batir 3 claras hasta que estén espumosas e incorporarle 4 cucharadas de azúcar.
2- Seguir batiendo hasta lograr un merengue firme.
3- Cubrir el pastel con el merengue y gratinar en horno caliente hasta que esté ligeramente dorado.

Servir calentito, acompañado de un buen vino tinto y fundamentalmente de buena compañía.
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Serves 6
Preparation time 45 minutes
Cooking time 45 minutes

  • 4 medium eggplants
  • 4 medium zucchini
  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 2 thick carrots
  • 1 green and 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 long green hot pepper, thinly sliced (optional)
  • 1 large onion, thinly sliced
  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) olive oil
  • 1½ cups (360 ml) tomato juice
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, slivered
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley
  • salt and pepper

Rinse and trim the eggplant and zucchini and cut into large pieces. Lightly salt each and allow to drain in separate colanders for 30 minutes. Rinse and drain on paper towels. Peel the potatoes and carrots, deseed and devein the peppers, and cut all the vegetables into same-size pieces. Lightly fry the vegetables in olive oil and arrange in a large ceramic or glass baking dish. Heat the oil and sauté the onion and garlic, add the tomato juice, salt and pepper and cook until the sauce thickens. Stir in the parsley and pour over the vegetables. Mix lightly and bake the “briami” in a preheated 350°F (175°C) oven for about 45 minutes or until the vegetables are lightly browned on the surface and the pan liquid has cooked down to the oil. Cover the dish with aluminium foil, if the vegetables are getting brown quick. Serve the dish hot or at room temperature.

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